CI Introduction

Introducing the Corporate Identity (CI) of H&iruja, a company that embodies human, high-tech,, and happiness.

CI Introduction

Introducing the Corporate Identity (CI) of H&iruja, a company
that embodies human, high-tech,, and happiness.

Meaning of CI

The first meaning of “H” in “H&” stands for ‘Human‘ It represents technology made by and for people,
aiming for a happy life and a promising future This concept encapsulates numerous positive energies
These positive energies, like four blooming petals, symbolize a global group that spreads and extends across the world.

CI Color Application Guidelines

The color palette of H&iruja can be utilized in various visual materials
All H&iruja productions are based on Pantone colors When using RGB mode, variations may occur
across different media, so it is advised to adjust colors based on the provided palette for consistency

Meaning of CI

The first meaning of “H” in “H&” stands for ‘Human‘ It represents technology made by and for people, aiming for a happy life and a promising future This concept encapsulates numerous positive energies These positive energies, like four blooming petals, symbolize a global group that spreads and extends across the world.

CI Color Application Guidelines

The color palette of H&iruja can be utilized in various visual materials All H&iruja productions are based on Pantone colors When using RGB mode, variations may occur across different media, so it is advised to adjust colors based on the provided palette for consistency

[H&iruja Co., Ltd.]
Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si Dunpo-myeon Seokgok-ri 1341(Asanvalleybuk-ro 110) T. +82-70-8680-4100 / F. +82-70-8244-1177
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