Ethical Management
H&iruja is committed to sustainable management with a focus on ethical practices

Ethical Management
H&iruja is committed to sustainable management with a focus on ethical practices.
“Ethical Management Upholding Integrity”
As we aspire to be a global No. 1 comprehensive deposition company,
we have established a code of ethics as a standard for the correct behavior and value judgment that all employees must adhere to
Improvement in Management/Organizational Culture
Management Focused on Customer
Mutual Growth and Co-
Value Enhancement and Rights Protection
Contribution to Regional and National
01 Basic Ethics of Members
“Creating a Healthy Corporate Culture Based on Honesty and Mutual Respect”
02 Customer-Centric Management
“Think and Act from the Customer’s Perspective”
03 Fair Trade with Partners
“Mutually Beneficial Relationships through Mutual Trust and Cooperation”
04 Responsibility to Shareholders/Investors
“Increasing Corporate Value through Sound Management Activities”
05 Role in Society
“Compliance with Legal Obligations in Corporate Activities and Creating Social Value”
“Ethical Management Upholding Integrity”
As we aspire to be a global No. 1 comprehensive deposition company, we have established a code of ethics as a standard for the correct behavior and value judgment that all employees must adhere to
01 Basic Ethics of Members
“Creating a Healthy Corporate Culture Based on Honesty and Mutual Respect”
02 Customer-Centric Management
“Think and Act from the Customer’s Perspective”
03 Fair Trade with Partners
“Mutually Beneficial Relationships through Mutual Trust and Cooperation”
04 Responsibility to Shareholders/Investors
“Increasing Corporate Value through Sound Management Activities”
05 Role in Society
“Compliance with Legal Obligations in Corporate Activities and Creating Social Value”