Ethical Management

H&iruja is committed to sustainable management with a focus on ethical practices

Ethical Management

H&iruja is committed to sustainable management with a focus on ethical practices.

“Ethical Management Upholding Integrity”

As we aspire to be a global No. 1 comprehensive deposition company,
we have established a code of ethics as a standard for the correct behavior and value judgment that all employees must adhere to


Improvement in Management/Organizational Culture


Management Focused on Customer


Mutual Growth and Co-


Value Enhancement and Rights Protection


Contribution to Regional and National

01 Basic Ethics of Members

“Creating a Healthy Corporate Culture Based on Honesty and Mutual Respect”

  • All H&iruja employees respect each other as independent individuals
  • Strive to improve the quality of life through Work-Life Balance
  • Refrain from any actions or speech that could harm healthy colleague relationships, such as sexual harassment, financial dealings, or violence
  • Do not use company property or position for personal gain and avoid all forms of embezzlement or misuse of company assets

02 Customer-Centric Management

“Think and Act from the Customer’s Perspective”

  • All H&iruja employees remember that customers are the source of the company’s profit and growth, and work passionately to meet their needs
  • Never leak customers’ assets, intellectual property rights, or business secrets
  • Do not provide gifts or entertainment that deviate from social norms to customers

03 Fair Trade with Partners

“Mutually Beneficial Relationships through Mutual Trust and Cooperation”

  • All H&iruja employees aim for a mutually beneficial relationship through fair trade with partners
  • Do not abuse a dominant position or coerce unfair practices on partners
  • Do not use partners for personal gain (prohibition of borrowing money, receiving gifts, hospitality, or improper requests)

04 Responsibility to Shareholders/Investors

“Increasing Corporate Value through Sound Management Activities”

  • All H&iruja employees enhance the company’s value by realizing profits through sound management activities
  • Provide long-term benefits to shareholders/investors through rational investment and improved management efficiency
  • Enhance management transparency and strictly follow national standards and regulations in accounting data processing and reporting

05 Role in Society

“Compliance with Legal Obligations in Corporate Activities and Creating Social Value”

  • All H&iruja employees strictly adhere to national laws
  • Strive for stable job creation and faithfully fulfill tax payment responsibilities
  • Do not illegally transfer core manufacturing technologies abroad

“Ethical Management Upholding Integrity”

As we aspire to be a global No. 1 comprehensive deposition company, we have established a code of ethics as a standard for the correct behavior and value judgment that all employees must adhere to


Improvement in Management/Organizational Culture


Management Focused on Customer


Mutual Growth and Co-


Value Enhancement and Rights Protection


Contribution to Regional and National

01 Basic Ethics of Members

“Creating a Healthy Corporate Culture Based on Honesty and Mutual Respect”

  • All H&iruja employees respect each other as independent individuals
  • Strive to improve the quality of life through Work-Life Balance
  • Refrain from any actions or speech that could harm healthy colleague relationships, such as sexual harassment, financial dealings, or violence
  • Do not use company property or position for personal gain and avoid all forms of embezzlement or misuse of company assets

02 Customer-Centric Management

“Think and Act from the Customer’s Perspective”

  • All H&iruja employees remember that customers are the source of the company’s profit and growth, and work passionately to meet their needs
  • Never leak customers’ assets, intellectual property rights, or business secrets
  • Do not provide gifts or entertainment that deviate from social norms to customers

03 Fair Trade with Partners

“Mutually Beneficial Relationships through Mutual Trust and Cooperation”

  • All H&iruja employees aim for a mutually beneficial relationship through fair trade with partners
  • Do not abuse a dominant position or coerce unfair practices on partners
  • Do not use partners for personal gain (prohibition of borrowing money, receiving gifts, hospitality, or improper requests)

04 Responsibility to Shareholders/Investors

“Increasing Corporate Value through Sound Management Activities”

  • All H&iruja employees enhance the company’s value by realizing profits through sound management activities
  • Provide long-term benefits to shareholders/investors through rational investment and improved management efficiency
  • Enhance management transparency and strictly follow national standards and regulations in accounting data processing and reporting

05 Role in Society

“Compliance with Legal Obligations in Corporate Activities and Creating Social Value”

  • All H&iruja employees strictly adhere to national laws
  • Strive for stable job creation and faithfully fulfill tax payment responsibilities
  • Do not illegally transfer core manufacturing technologies abroad
[H&iruja Co., Ltd.]
Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si Dunpo-myeon Seokgok-ri 1341(Asanvalleybuk-ro 110) T. +82-70-8680-4100 / F. +82-70-8244-1177
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