Suggestion System

H&iruja is open to your suggestions

Suggestion System

H&iruja is open to your suggestions

Participate in opportunities to create mutual benefits through collaboration with H&iruja

Collaboration Proposals

Waiting for partners to collaborate for mutual development
Join us as a partner for growth


Improvement Proposals

Awaiting suggestions for efficient production methods and
cost-saving ideas Join us as a partner for growth

Participate in opportunities to create mutual benefits through collaboration with H&iruja

Collaboration Proposals

Waiting for partners to collaborate for mutual development
Join us as a partner for growth

Improvement Proposals

Awaiting suggestions for efficient production methods and cost-saving ideas
Join us as a partner for growth

[H&iruja Co., Ltd.]
Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si Dunpo-myeon Seokgok-ri 1341(Asanvalleybuk-ro 110) T. +82-70-8680-4100 / F. +82-70-8244-1177
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