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Title당사 한기열이사 SID2011포럼에서 AMOLED TV 제조기술과 SGS공법에 관한 논문을 발표하였습니다2011-05-26 10:50

세계최대 디스플레이 포럼인 SID2011에서 당사 한기열이사가 당사의 제품인 AURA6014R의 공정을 통해 얻은 경험을 논문으로 발표하여 이루자의 위상을 세계에 알렸습니다.

행 사 : SID2011
행사기간 : 2011년 5월 16일~5월 20일
발 표 일 : 2011년 5월 19일 PM 02:10
장 소 : LA
발표논문 : AMOLED TV 제조기술과 SGS공법에 관한 논문


아래의 글은 JOURNAL of SID에서 보내온 논문 심사결과와 JSID로의 초대글입니다.




                                   Journal of the




April 15, 2011


Dear Gi-Youl Han,


Annually the Journal of the SID (JSID) publishes a Special Section of full-length peer-reviewed papers selected from the technical program of the International Symposium.  Members of the Technical Program Committee of the Symposium select these papers on the basis of their scientific or technical merit and newsworthiness.  Less than 7% of the papers presented at the Symposium receive this recognition, and subsequent publicity.  The members of the Display Manufacturing Subcommittee selected your paper, Development of Ni Sputtering System for Mass Production of Large AMOLED TVs Based on SGS Technology, for this recognition.


On behalf of John Zhong, 2011 Symposium Program Chairman and Guest Editor Don Carkner representing the Display Manufacturing Subcommittee and Guest Associate Editor, I am inviting you to submit an extended, full-length version of this paper for publication in the Special Section of JSID titled “Best of the SID11 Symposium”.   Please submit you paper to the JSID-PeerX-Press Online Editorial Workflow System ( by August 1, 2011.   Attached is a copy of the “Information for Authors” document which contains a complete set of instructions for the preparation and online submission of you manuscript.


“It is the policy of the Journal to publish only extended, full-length versions of papers, which were presented at a SID sponsored conference, and printed in short form (up to 4 pages) in the Proceedings or Digest of that conference”.  Therefore, short papers published in the 2011 International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers are not acceptable for re-publication in the Journal.  Your extended paper should contain qualitatively-significant, additional material relative to what would have already been published in the conference digest.  For this reason, you may decide to re-title your full-length paper.  In addition, your paper should be fully referenced since all issues of JSID are cross-referenced.  It is also noted that short papers published in the Symposium Digest are not listed in the all important Web of Science index and database, but all peer-reviewed papers published in JSID are listed


Keeping the August 1, 2011 deadline for the submission of your original full-length manuscript is important.  This allows completion of the peer-review process and then publication of your paper by December 1, 2011, less than 7 months from the date of the SID11.


If you have any questions concerning the preparation of and submission of you manuscript, please contact Mr. Mark Goldfarb, JSID Editorial Staff at  Mr. Goldfarb is experienced and ready to help you.


Please reply as soon as possible by return e-mail indicating your intention (or not) to submit a full-length version of your paper.  If the August 1, 2011 deadline is a problem, please let Mr. Goldfarb know that at and indicate  how much extension time you would need.


Best regards,



Title당사 한기열이사 SID2011포럼에서 AMOLED TV 제조기술과 SGS공법에 관한 논문을 발표하였습니다2011-05-26 10:50

세계최대 디스플레이 포럼인 SID2011에서 당사 한기열이사가 당사의 제품인 AURA6014R의 공정을 통해 얻은 경험을 논문으로 발표하여 이루자의 위상을 세계에 알렸습니다.

행 사 : SID2011
행사기간 : 2011년 5월 16일~5월 20일
발 표 일 : 2011년 5월 19일 PM 02:10
장 소 : LA
발표논문 : AMOLED TV 제조기술과 SGS공법에 관한 논문


아래의 글은 JOURNAL of SID에서 보내온 논문 심사결과와 JSID로의 초대글입니다.




                                   Journal of the




April 15, 2011


Dear Gi-Youl Han,


Annually the Journal of the SID (JSID) publishes a Special Section of full-length peer-reviewed papers selected from the technical program of the International Symposium.  Members of the Technical Program Committee of the Symposium select these papers on the basis of their scientific or technical merit and newsworthiness.  Less than 7% of the papers presented at the Symposium receive this recognition, and subsequent publicity.  The members of the Display Manufacturing Subcommittee selected your paper, Development of Ni Sputtering System for Mass Production of Large AMOLED TVs Based on SGS Technology, for this recognition.


On behalf of John Zhong, 2011 Symposium Program Chairman and Guest Editor Don Carkner representing the Display Manufacturing Subcommittee and Guest Associate Editor, I am inviting you to submit an extended, full-length version of this paper for publication in the Special Section of JSID titled “Best of the SID11 Symposium”.   Please submit you paper to the JSID-PeerX-Press Online Editorial Workflow System ( by August 1, 2011.   Attached is a copy of the “Information for Authors” document which contains a complete set of instructions for the preparation and online submission of you manuscript.


“It is the policy of the Journal to publish only extended, full-length versions of papers, which were presented at a SID sponsored conference, and printed in short form (up to 4 pages) in the Proceedings or Digest of that conference”.  Therefore, short papers published in the 2011 International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers are not acceptable for re-publication in the Journal.  Your extended paper should contain qualitatively-significant, additional material relative to what would have already been published in the conference digest.  For this reason, you may decide to re-title your full-length paper.  In addition, your paper should be fully referenced since all issues of JSID are cross-referenced.  It is also noted that short papers published in the Symposium Digest are not listed in the all important Web of Science index and database, but all peer-reviewed papers published in JSID are listed


Keeping the August 1, 2011 deadline for the submission of your original full-length manuscript is important.  This allows completion of the peer-review process and then publication of your paper by December 1, 2011, less than 7 months from the date of the SID11.


If you have any questions concerning the preparation of and submission of you manuscript, please contact Mr. Mark Goldfarb, JSID Editorial Staff at  Mr. Goldfarb is experienced and ready to help you.


Please reply as soon as possible by return e-mail indicating your intention (or not) to submit a full-length version of your paper.  If the August 1, 2011 deadline is a problem, please let Mr. Goldfarb know that at and indicate  how much extension time you would need.


Best regards,



[H&iruja Co., Ltd.]
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