Human Resources System

A culture that enhances the capabilities of talented individuals and fosters the growth of both individuals and the organization

Human Resources System

A culture that enhances the capabilities of talented individuals and
fosters the growth of both individuals and the organization

Ranking System

Rewards are appropriately given to those who contribute to the company’s culture and technological advancement
Promotions can be based on performance, regardless of time in position, allowing for “open promotions”

Salary System

Salary scale + performance bonus
(differentiated by rank)
Various allowances and
bonus payments

Evaluation System

Achievement and competency
evaluations, conducted annually
Fair assessment based on individual
competencies and job performance

Promotion System

Based on evaluation results
within the tenure of each rank
Special promotion system for
outstanding employees

Training System

We provide systematic training to ensure employees grow alongside the company
We actively support employees to become experts in their work area and develop into individuals with the right values

[New Employee Training]

Support for new employees
to quickly adapt to their roles

[Promotion Training]

Support to develop
effective leadership appropriate
to the new situation and role

[Job Training]

Support for acquiring
specialized knowledge
in respective areas and
improving practical work skills
through sharing best practices

[Class Training]

Support for developing
the necessary competencies
to become a leader

[Employee Special Lectures]

Inviting famous lecturers to help
employees develop attitudes
beneficial for both professional
and personal life

Ranking System

Rewards are appropriately given to those who contribute to the company’s culture and technological advancement Promotions can be based on performance, regardless of time in position, allowing for “open promotions”

Salary System

Salary scale + performance bonus (differentiated by rank) Various allowances and bonus payments

Evaluation System

Achievement and competency evaluations, conducted annually Fair assessment based on individual competencies and job performance

Promotion System

Based on evaluation results within the tenure of each rank Special promotion system for outstanding employees

Training System

We provide systematic training to ensure employees grow alongside the company We actively support employees to become experts in their work area and develop into individuals with the right values

New Employee Training

Support for new employees to quickly adapt to their roles

Promotion Training

Support to develop effective leadership appropriate to the new situation and role

Job Training

Support for acquiring specialized knowledge in respective areas and improving practical work skills through sharing best practices

Class Training

Support for developing the necessary competencies to become a leader

Employee Special Lectures

Inviting famous lecturers to help employees develop attitudes beneficial for both professional and personal life

[H&iruja Co., Ltd.]
Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si Dunpo-myeon Seokgok-ri 1341(Asanvalleybuk-ro 110) T. +82-70-8680-4100 / F. +82-70-8244-1177
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